Sunday 16 October 2016

This week in Kindergarten October 17th- October 21st


  • Fall


  • Grey Squirrel
  • Leaves are Falling

Sound of the week:


Sound Monster: 

This Friday, October 21st, 2016, we will be feeding the Sound Monster.  Please send in 1 item (a toy, a book, a picture, etc. ) that begins with the "t" sound on Wednesday.  The item will be returned to your child at the end of the day.  If you cannot find an item, you can have your child draw a picture and write the corresponding word.  Some ideas for the "t" sound include: tape, turtle, turkey, tulip, tomato and two (2).

Number of the Week: 

# 4

Important Information:


Library begun last week.  The students will visit the library with Ms. Brittany on Thursdays.    Please return your child's library book by THURSDAY in the ZIPLOC BAG. Thank you!

* Be sure to check the family project tab for this month's homework (if you have not already done so).


The dark blue and light blue duo-tangs will be sent home every Monday and must be returned the following Monday.  Throughout the week, please review the sound of the week and have your child complete the corresponding pages in the light blue duo-tang.  Please have your child practice singing the weekly songs/poems and complete the activity at the bottom of the page (if there is one) in the dark blue duo-tang. Please refer to the introduction letter for a more detailed explanation of this on the 2nd page in the dark blue and light blue duo-tangs.

Please continue to have your child practice writing his/her name EVERY DAY.  Thank you!


Friday, October 21st, 2016: Red day (wear an article of clothing that is red today)

Thursday, October 27th, 2016: October family project due today

Friday, October 28th, 2016PEDAGOGICAL DAY- no school for students today

Monday, October 31st: pizza lunch and bake sale day,  Halloween celebration in our class

Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me:

by writing me a note in your child’s agenda.  
by phone at the school (450) 676-8166

Thank you for your support and have a great week!

Anna Romanini