Saturday 18 February 2017

This week in Kindergarten February 20th - February 24th


  • 100th day of school


  • 100 days of school

Sound of the week:

* no new sound this week 

Sound Monster: 

no Sound Monster this week 

Number of the Week: 

no new number this week 

Important Information:

Please note that I will be ABSENT on Friday.  I would like to wish you all a very fun March break vacation with your families! :)


A few parents mentioned to me that they were unable to open their children's report card online.  Mrs. Forde has informed me that the technology department at the school board is working to remedy this ASAP.

Please return the ziploc bag with the information sheet for parents (where your child has drawn a picture for the first two terms) if you have not already done so.


 * This week: Emma and Jannatul will present their Mystery bags on Tuesday, February 21st, 2017.


Our overnight buddy Olivia the Owl will continue to make her way around our class.  Please note that your child can DRAW DIRECTLY IN the journal book.  It is not necessary to draw the picture on another paper and glue it in the book. Please return the overnight buddy and journal book in the ziploc bag it was sent home in the next day.

* I have posted new pictures of the children in the Photos tab.  

* I have posted the new family project for the month of February. 

100th day of school: 

We will celebrate the 100 th day of kindergarten on: Wednesday, February 22nd, 2017. I have planned several fun activities for that week.  please have your child prepare a collection of 100 objects of some sort to share with the class.  Some ideas include:

- 100 marbles
- 100 stickers
- 100 cotton balls
- 100 pennies
- 100 candies
- 100 pieces of pasta

Be creative!  Please send in your child's collection in a container or ziploc bag.  The children will then play a guessing game to try and guess each other's collections.

The second activity I am asking the parents to work on for the 100th day of school, is to make a t-shirt with 100 of something (fingerprints, foam hearts, feathers, pompoms, etc) for your child to wear that day. The deadline to send in your child's t-shirt will be the day preceding our 100th day: Tuesday, February 21st, 2017 (or before). There are many different t-shirt ideas online.  I invite you to take a look.  Just google "100th day of school t-shirt".  THIS ACTIVITY WILL COUNT AS THE FEBRUARY  FAMILY PROJECT.


Monday, February 20th, 2017: Educazoo activity in school 

Tuesday, February 21st2017: 100th day of school t-shirt due today, Scholastics deadline for February orders

Wednesday, February 22nd, 2017: 100th day of school celebration (in class)

Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me:

by writing me a note in your child’s agenda.  
by phone at the school (450) 676-8166

Thank you for your support and have a great week!

Anna Romanini