Tuesday 5 January 2016

This Week in Kindergarten January 6th - January 8th


  • Winter


* no new songs/poems this week 

Sound of the week:

* no new sound this week 

Sound Monster: 

* Nsound monster this week.

Number of the Week: 

* no new number this week

Important Information:

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday break.  I hope the new year brings you good health and lots of happiness: )


We will begin our new theme (winter) this week and next week more in detail.  I invite the children to bring in books, toys or objects related to our theme that we can place on our theme table in the class. Please be sure to write your child' s name on the item or book so that I can easily return it to you. Thank you in advance!

* I am not sending home the duo-tangs this week.

* I have posted the new family project for the month of January. 

* I have posted new pictures of the children in the Photos tab.  All of the photos under the December heading are NEW.


Friday, January 29th, 2016: January Family Project due today

Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me:

by writing me a note in your child’s agenda.  
by phone at the school (450) 676-8166

Thank you for your support and have a great week!

Anna Romanini