Saturday 17 October 2020


  • Fall


  • Jumping to Fall
  • Busy Squirrel 
  • Five Spotted Owls

Sound of the Week: 


Sound Monster:

This Friday, October 23rd, 2020 we will be feeding the Sound Monster . Please send in 1 item (a toy, a book, a picture, etc.) that begins with the "b" sound on Friday. The item will be returned to your child at the end of the day.  If you cannot find an item, you can have your child draw a picture and write the corresponding word or print a picture from the internet. Some ideas for the "b" sound include: ball, banana, block, box, bat, broom, brush, brown and blue. 

Number of the Week:

# 5                 

Important Information:


On Friday, October 30th,  2020, we will celebrate Halloween in my class.  We will do some special Halloween activities.  I encourage you to send your child to school with a costume if you'd like.  Here are some important points to remember for this day:
  • no violent or scary costumes
  • no masks
  • no weapons (even plastic)
  • treats for the class: due to Covid-19, unfortunately we are NOT permitted to give treats to the children or send them home (candy, loot bags, rings, erasers etc.) 

Please continue to have your children PRACTICE dressing him/herself (zipping his/her jacket, fastening buttons and snaps, putting on his/her hat, neck warmer, gloves and mitts).  The children need some practice in this area as we are having to assist most children with zipping their jackets. 

Please keep the Alphabet Letter Sounds yellow homework duo-tang at home.  Please refer to the first page in the yellow duo-tang for a detailed explanation of the homework. 

The blue songs and poems duo-tang will be sent home every Monday and must be returned the following Monday. Throughout the week, please have your child practice singing the weekly songs/poems and complete the activity at the bottom of the page (if there is one) in the blue duo-tang. Please refer to the introduction letter for a more detailed explanation.

Please have your child practice writing his/her name in lower case letters EVERY DAY.  Please focus on correct letter formation (make letters from TOP to BOTTOM etc.).  

I have posted this week's pictures of the children on the website. 

Don't forget to check out the October Family Project tab.

SCHOLASTICS: DEADLINE: October 23rd, 2020

Last Wednesday, I sent home the October paper flyer for Scholastics along with an order form I have created to simplify the ordering process. You can view the ENGLISH digital flyer here with lots more books than available in the paper flyer:

There is also a FRENCH digital flyer that may interest you:

You can explore their website for lots different books as well.

If you would like to purchase books from the Scholastic website, simply take note of the title, price and item number and I can easily order them for you.

I am encouraging parents NOT to place their orders online and instead to have me place a class order. To receive free shipping to your home you must spend $35. Sometimes parents like to buy one or a few books. If I place a class order, we only need $35 of orders (from the entire class) to get free shipping and this way you may purchase what you would like, even if it is the $2.00 book. You must pay by cash this year as Scholastic is not accepting cheques for the time being.


Friday, October 23rd, 2020: 
1-GREEN DAY please have your child dress in green today
2- Sound Monster "b" sound
3- October Scholastic orders due 


Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me:

by writing me a note in your child’s agenda.  
by phone at the school (450) 676-8166

Thank you for your support and have a great week!

Anna Romanini