Sunday 10 February 2019

This week in Kindergarten: February 11-15


* Friendship
* Valentine's Day


* Valentine's Day (poem)

Sound of the week:

* W

Sound Monster:

* This Friday, February 8th, 2019, we will be feeding the Sound Monster. Please send in 1 item (a toy, a book, a picture, etc. ) that begins with the "w" sound on Wednesday. The item will be returned to your child at the end of the day. If you cannot find an item, you can have your child draw a picture and write the corresponding word. Some ideas for the "w" sound include: watch, wallet, water, wreath and word. 

Number of the Week:

*13 (continued)

Important Information:

I have posted the new family project for the month of February.

I have posted new pictures of the children in the photos tab

100th day of school:

I will be sending home two letters this week explaining two more activities we will do to celebrate the 100th day of school.  

1- Mystery paper bag collection of 100 items:

Please have your child fill the paper bag (it will be sent home with the instruction letter) with 100 items.  Your child will present his/her collection of 100 items to the class on Thursday, February 21st, 2019. 

2- Dress like a 100 year old  

On Tuesday, February 19th, 2019,  please have your come to school dressed like a 100 year old! Here are a few ideas: 

- have your child wear glasses
- add baby powder to your child's hair to make it look grey
- boys: add a beard and /or moustache to your child using cotton balls
- girls: carry a big bag or purse, wear costume jewelry 

Just google "dress like a 100 year old for the 100th day of school", click on IMAGES and you will see lots of great ideas online.  

THE COLOUR/DRESS CODE does not have to be respected that day. 

3- February family project: 100th day of school t-shirt

We will celebrate the 100th day of kindergarten on: Wednesday, February 20th, 2019. I have planned several fun activities for that week.To celebrate the 100th day, I am asking families to make a t-shirt/long sleeve shirt with 100 of something (fingerprints, foam hearts, feathers, pompoms, pieces of pasta, etc) for your child to wear that day. The deadline to send in your child's t-shirt will be the day preceding our 100th day: Tuesday, February 19th, 2019 (or you may send it into school before). There are many different t-shirt ideas online. I invite you to take a look. Just google "100th day of school t-shirt". THIS ACTIVITY WILL COUNT AS THE FEBRUARY FAMILY PROJECT.

Here is a picture of my class a few years ago with their 100th day shirts:


We are continuing our friendship and Valentine's Day theme. I invite the children to bring in books, toys or objects related to our theme that we can place on our theme table in the class. Please be sure to write your child' s name on the item or book so that I can easily return it to you. Thank you in advance!


Some parents have inquired about sending in Valentine's Day cards and treats for the class. Please note that you can send in Valentine's Day cards or treats for the children in the class, but there is NO OBLIGATION to send in anything. I ask that if do, please send in a card/treat for all of the children in the class so that no one feels left out. Thank you for your cooperation :) Here is a list of the children in the class.


* Kaiden
* Jude
* Rylie
* Leia
* Vivan
* Arissa
* Leryk
* Evan
* Damion
* Mady-Sun
* Tekkai
* Lonna
* Kiana
* Samuel
* Tucker


* This week: Tekkai and Lonna and Kiana will present their Mystery bags on Friday, February 15th, 2019.


Our overnight buddy Olivia the Owl will continue to make her way around our class. Please return the overnight buddy and journal book in the ziploc bag it was sent home in the next day.


Thursday, February 14th, 2019:
1- Valentine's Day: wear pink or red today
2- Candy-gram delivery

Monday, February 18th, 2019:
Educazoo activity in school

Tuesday, February 19th, 2019:
1- 100th day of school t-shirt due today and dress like a 100 year old today!
2- Scholastic orders for FEBRUARY due today

Wednesday, February 20th 2019: 
100th day of school celebration (in class)

Thursday, February 21st, 2019:
Mystery item paper bag project due today

Friday, February 22nd, 2019:
PEDAGOGICAL DAY- No school for students

Tuesday, February 26th, 2019:
1- Pizza Day and Bake Sale
2- Kindergarten and cycle 1: Family board game night at school (more info. to come)

Wednesday, February 27th, 2019:
Pink t-shirt day (anti-bullying and mental well-being)

Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me:

by writing me a note in your child’s agenda.
by phone at the school (450) 676-8166
by email:

Thank you for your support and have a great week!

Anna Romanini ☺