Sunday 10 June 2018

This week in Kindergarten June 11th- June 15th


  • Butterflies


    * No new songs for the blue duo-tang for this year! :)  Please KEEP the blue duo-tang at home. 

    Sound of the week:

    *  We are finished learning all of sounds I will cover this year! :)

    Sound Monster:

    * No more Sound Monster for this year! :)

    Number of the Week:

    * No more numbers for this year!

    Important Information:

    * I have posted the new family project for the month of JUNE.


    On Monday, June 11th, 2018, I will be sending home a checklist for what to bring for the fishing trip on Tuesday.  It looks like we will have a nice sunny day :)  I look forward to a fun family outing together!


    We are continuing our Butterflies theme.  I invite the children to bring in books, toys or objects related to our theme that we can place on our theme table in the class. Please be sure to write your child' s name on the item or book so that I can easily return it to you. Thank you in advance!


    Our two class buddies will continue to circulate.  Each night a different child in the class will take home our class buddy Freddie the Frog and complete a page in his journal adventure book. Please return the overnight buddy and journal book in the ziploc bag it was sent home in the next day.  We will continue to send home Olivia the Owl as well.


    Tuesday, June 12th,  2018:  Family fishing trip field trip

    Wednesday, June 13th,  2018:  Jump Rope for Heart- wear RED today and please return all donation envelopes.  Thank you for your support :)

    Tuesday, June 19th,  2018: Kindergarten Celebration (Graduation) 10:00 AM ceremony- followed by a family picnic lunch at the park.  *** Mark your calendars! ***

    Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me:

    by writing me a note in your child’s agenda.  
    by phone at the school (450) 676-8166

    Thank you for your support and have a great week!

    Anna Romanini