Friday 9 February 2018



Hello Families,

I am sorry that it has taken this long for me to communicate with you.  As you know, I was away in Florida until Monday, February 5th, 2018.  Unfortunately I returned from Florida with a shoulder injury.  After a visit to the emergency room, I unfortunately will be off of work for two weeks while my shoulder heals.  My recovery is going well and I am regaining some mobility in my right arm.  Fortunately Mrs. Lauren was available to replace me for the next two weeks which is very good for the students to have consistency and not a different substitute teacher every day.  We are in contact daily so if there is something you would like to communicate to me, please feel free to email me directly or Mrs. Lauren and she can relay the message to me.  Please tell your children I miss them all very much and am looking forward to coming back to school to see them.  Thank you for your understanding.

Mrs. Anna :)

* Important information*

Monday, February 12th, 2018: police officer's visit to Kindergarten to discuss safety

Tuesday, February 13th, 2018:

1- Lockdown practice (I have discussed "Lockdown" (what it is, why we do it- to stay safe as there are some not nice people in the world-  in September and Mrs. Lauren has discussed lockdown this week as well.  If your children have questions or concerns please discuss this with them further.)

2- Pizza day and bake sale

Thank you very much to my wonderful students and Mrs. Lauren and Mrs. Erin for the lovely card and pictures.  Mrs. Lauren made a special delivery to my home tonight and I could not feel anymore loved!